Unleashing the Power of Elestrals: A Beginner’s Guide to Mastery


Once upon a time, in the realm of Pixels and Bricks, where worlds of imagination collide, there exists a game that transcends mere cards and strategy. Welcome to the mystical realm of Elestrals, where every draw, every enchantment, and every clash unfolds a tale of epic proportions.

Elestrals isn’t just your typical trading card game. It’s a journey into a world where cunning strategy meets mystical prowess. As a Caster, your objective is clear: maneuver your way through the dynamic resource system known as Spirits to outwit your opponent and emerge victorious. But fear not, for every journey begins with a single step, and every player, whether novice or seasoned, can find their place within the vibrant community of Elestrals.

Imagine this: you sit across from your opponent, each with your spirit deck and main deck poised for battle. The tension is palpable as you draw your starting hand of five cards, each one a potential key to victory. But wait, not satisfied with your hand? Feel free to mulligan, expending two Spirits for a chance at a better start. In Elestrals, every decision matters, from the cards you play to the spirits you enchant.

At the heart of Elestrals lie its namesake creatures, powerful beings ready to do your bidding. These Elestrals, along with Rune cards boasting potent abilities, form the core of your deck. With each Elestral and Rune possessing a unique cost and effect, the possibilities for strategy are endless. Will you unleash a fearsome attack, or bolster your defenses with cunning tactics? The choice is yours.

But Elestrals is more than just a game of brute force. It’s a game of finesse and adaptability. With mechanics like Ascension, where Elestrals can evolve into even more formidable forms, and the strategic use of Spirits to cast various Runes, every turn offers new opportunities for triumph.

And let’s not forget the art of the clash itself. With Elestrals poised in attack or defense position, each stat and position matters. Will your Elestral emerge victorious, or will it fall to the might of your opponent’s forces? The thrill of battle is unmatched, as every clash brings you one step closer to victory.

But fear not, brave Caster, for the journey of mastering Elestrals is not one you must undertake alone. Within the welcoming embrace of the Pixels and Bricks community, located in Randolph Vermont, players of all levels can find support, guidance, and camaraderie. Whether you’re a newcomer seeking to learn the ropes or a seasoned veteran looking for new challenges, there’s a place for you among us.

So, are you ready to embark on your journey into the world of Elestrals? Will you rise to the challenge and carve your name into the annals of history? The choice is yours, Caster. The adventure awaits.


Pixels and Bricks

23 Merchants Row, Randolph, VT 05060




Magic the Gathering: Commander

Magic: The Gathering is a popular collectible trading card game that has been around for more than two decades. Over the years, the game has evolved, and new formats have come and gone. One such format that has gained ever-increasing popularity among players is Commander.

Commander, also known as Elder Dragon Highlander, is a one-versus-one or multiplayer format where each player builds a 100-card deck based on a legendary creature. The goal of the game is generally to reduce your opponent’s life total to zero while protecting your own. On top of other possible win conditions like poison counters and decking a player out, Commander has a system called Commander Damage where your commander can defeat an opponent with combat damage that adds up to 21 or more.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of Commander is the diverse and creative deck-building options it offers. With over 20,000 Magic cards to choose from, players can build decks that suit their playstyle and preferences. The format also allows for a variety of strategies, including aggro, control, combo, and midrange, making it accessible to players with different skill levels and interests.

Another reason for Commander’s popularity is the social aspect of the game. Unlike other Magic formats, Commander is often a multiplayer game, which means players can engage in a fun and interactive experience with their friends or at their local game store. The format encourages players to interact with each other, form alliances, and engage in politics, making each game unique and memorable.

In addition to the social aspect, Commander has a vibrant community that supports the format. There are numerous Commander-focused websites, podcasts, and YouTube channels that offer deck-building advice, gameplay tips, and news about the format like EDHREC. The community also hosts tournaments and events, both online and offline, that cater to players of all levels. All of this sets Commander apart from other formats along with the unique deck-building rules and the social aspect of the game.

If you’re a Magic player looking for a fun and social experience, then Commander is definitely worth checking out. You can find Commander events at your local game store or join online communities such as Pixels & Bricks via discord or Facebook to meet other players and learn more about the format. With its diverse deck-building options, social gameplay, and supportive community, Commander is sure to provide you with countless hours of fun and entertainment.

So why not give it a try? Check out the Commander events currently happening at Pixels & Bricks and see what all the hype is about!